Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Benefit Concert for Sam Reiser Sunday, June 14th, 2009

Sam Reiser fights against Hodgkns Lymphoma Cancer,  16 year old diagnosed with stage 4 and a student of Carlsbad High.

Here's a snap shot of Sam and  a handful of Great Musicians

This Benefit Concert for Sam was held at the Carlsbad Cultural Arts Center (CAC).

Chris Swann rocks out on his acoustic guitar "Reach"

Johnny V blues it up on guitar

Johnny "V" Vernazza with Special Guest
Len Rainey, Walter Gentry, Michele Lundeen, Vincent Enderson, Charlie Martin

Walter Gentry 

The big Jam Session with Sam and Friends

Sam and Chris enjoying the music festival

God Bless

Photos Courtesy of 
Swann Group

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